Monday, June 11, 2007


I've been to Chittagong a few times now, but here are some photos from our first adventure there - on the way home from our epic Eid and St Martin's trip! Chittagong, for those of you not fortunate enough to have been there, is the second biggest city in Bangladesh, and is the port city for Bangladesh. It is also home to the biggest ship breaking industry in the world (yes, another claim for the biggest, best or longest from Bangladesh!) so navys and cargo companies and the like sell off their old ships, which are then torn apart and all parts salvaged for reuse. It makes for some interesting roadside sales points on the highway (from chandaliers to life jackets, you can get everything - in bulk, here) and some interesting human rights issues, but that's another story...

If I can remember rightly, that long ago, we went to the most important tourist destination in Bangladesh - mini Bangladesh! This excellent theme park has replicas of all the exciting tourist attractions in Bangladesh, so in about two hours, we managed to visit ruins in Bogra, the national monument in Savar, the sixty domed mosque near Khulna, and most exciting: the Chittagong Hill Tracts, to which we are forbidden by our programme to travel.... The sign on the right, if you can read it, is for a rollercoaster, and advises for the wearing of loose clothing .. like a sari on the rollercoater... bizarre.

We also went for a walk along the train track, along which there was an excellent food market, with heaps of spices, veggies, meat, fish - everything you could ever want for dinner!

We visited the turtle mosque, where people try to bop the sacred turtles on the head with bits of bread or meat, then wash themselves in the putrid water that comes off the turtles' mouldy backs... certainly an interesting experience!

We also visited the 'beach'- as one of Sarah's friends said, it would be hard work building a sand castle on that beach!