The nine month mark... the coming of the monsoon and bangir chatha!

Excuses a-plenty, I think the best one - and the one that will garner most sympathy - is that I was (uncomfortably, unhappily, but not life threateningly) sick for about three months, which culminated in an exciting not-so emergency evacuation to Thailand to go to the luxuious Thai hospital for treatment, which comparitively, could have been a day spa or five star hotel...
So, a small update on the last few months' adventures:
It started with a trip to india in Feburary; progressed with a few internal Bangladeshi trips to Chittagong, Sitakundo, Mymensingh and Bogra;
a visit from Anna and Mutti and more trips to Srimongal tea fields and paddle steamer-ing to Khulna (see Anna's blog for nice pictures and a good story);
a Bangladeshi wedding - the best wedding I've been to; and culminated in the 'holiday' to Bangkok's Bunrungrad Hospital...
So now, back in Dhaka, fully recovered, I'm guiltity enjoying the rain that is causing flooding thrughout the country and stomping in puddles on my way to work...
Bangir chatha, you might ask?The significance of the random Bangla in the title?
My favourite Bangla word: frog's umbrella, which translates to...
Could you get a better translation if you tried?